Colored pencil drawing by Laurie J. Marks.
Death-and-Life is the G'deon's glyph, for when a G'deon dies, a new G'deon is created.
J'han handed Zanja a stiff piece of paper, on which he had carefully drawn the glyph called Death-and-Life, or the Pyre, in the lower left hand corner. Above and around the ancient symbol, he had drawn an anatomically convincing picture of a person half in, half out of a burning fire. The half that was in the fire was skeleton; the other half was a very muscular woman...
In the Pyre, death becomes life; life becomes death. But if nothing changes, the fire cannot do its work of transformation. Thus the person in the pyre is trapped between death and life, and cannot speak at all, not even to say, Help me. (from Earth Logic © 2004)