Soon in bookshops:
Water Logic

“I have never been ideologically comfortable.” – Laurie

“I have never been ideologically comfortable.” – Laurie

The University of Laurie (index page)

Welcome to the University of Laurie. Here you'll find essays, notes, and commentary, by Laurie and by others.

Index of the University of Laurie

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U of Laurie

The scene:
Laurie is discussing a student's progress with Judy Goleman, the director of the Freshman English program at the University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Judy: So this is her draft, these are your draft comments, and this is her revision? It's impressive how much more developed and complicated her ideas have become.

Laurie: Well, she's taken three different classes with me.

Judy: Oh, that explains it – she enrolled herself in the University of Laurie.


This cheer was written in 2005, to help speed the interval between Earth Logic and Water Logic (the second and the third books of the Elemental Logic series).

Fight Song by Anita Roy Dobbs

may winter winds uplift you
and blow you fair to spring,
may publishers be swift to
print and agents swift to bring
the rest of us bereft of you
the words of air and water, too.

We Want Laurie!
We Want Laurie!
We Want Water and We Want Air!
Who Does The Publishing, We Don't Care,
So Long as They're Generous, Faithful, and Fair,
Give Us Laurie!


For the souvenir program of WisCon 31, at which Laurie is guest of honor in May 2007, she was asked to write this piece.

Ten or so things I'm proud of
but wouldn't put on my resume
by Laurie J. Marks, 2007

  1. I believe in dirt (in the religious sense).
  2. I can pronounce “hegemony.”
  3. I understand why it is irrelevant to be right.
  4. I make kick-ass espresso on my Coleman stove.
  5. I have never been in fashion.
  6. I have never been ideologically comfortable.
  7. I rarely run out of patience.
  8. I can grow and preserve food, turn raw wool into clothing, build a house and keep it warm; everything necessary to survive after a nuclear holocaust.
  9. I understand internal combustion and steam engines, even though I can't fix my own car.
  10. I wrote my first novel at age 12.
  11. I can think like a plant.
  12. I was nearly expelled from my Christian college because I couldn’t force myself to attend chapel services.
  13. My wife, Deb Mensinger, and I are one of about 2,000 legally married same-sex couples in the country.