Soon in bookshops:
Water Logic

“My characters are lot more sensible and comprehensible than any real people I know.” – Laurie

“My characters are lot more sensible and comprehensible than any real people I know.” – Laurie

Your elemental profile

What is your elemental logic? Fire? Earth? Water? Air? Or a blend?

Choose the most likely answer — the thing you would be most inclined to do (as opposed to what you think you should do), and make a note of your answers:

  1. You are waiting at the bus stop in a crowd of people, and one of them suddenly falls down, clutching at his chest. After emergency measures have been taken, are you the one who:
    1. Reflects on the fragility of life.
    2. Offers your coat for a pillow.
    3. Comments ironically on how people behaved.
    4. Thinks about what people should have done (compared to what they did).
  2. You go to a party and, on entering the kitchen, discover it to be a total mess. You:
    1. Appreciate the beauty of disorder.
    2. Start cleaning up.
    3. Imagine how and why the mess occurred.
    4. Feel disgusted.
  3. You have suddenly been offered a scholarship or job offer in Indonesia. Your impulse is to:
    1. Go away by yourself to write in your journal.
    2. Find a tsunami relief organization to do volunteer work with.
    3. Contemplate the possible impact on your life.
    4. Make a list of pros and cons.
  4. You are in a wretchedly awful mood. You want to:
    1. Be alone.
    2. Smash something.
    3. Play a trick on someone.
    4. Make a sarcastic remark.
  5. In a period of great intellectual productivity, you:
    1. Imagine the impossible.
    2. Solve a practical problem.
    3. Finally grasp the big picture.
    4. Finally understand a subtle distinction.
  6. You are in a great mood. You:
    1. Become enthusiastic about your next project.
    2. Throw a party.
    3. Tell funny stories.
    4. Engage in witty repartee.
  7. When you're asked to write an essay about the person who influenced you most, you:
    1. Write sincerely and imaginatively about a parent, teacher, or mentor.
    2. Call or visit the person but never write the essay.
    3. Write about how the person became what they are, and about the impact on your life had you never met them.
    4. Question the value of the enterprise.
  8. When your car breaks down on a remote road in a rainstorm, while waiting for the tow truck you:
    1. Compose a gloomy poem or take interesting photos of the rain trickling down the windows.
    2. Make sure everyone is warm and dry, then try to fix the car yourself.
    3. Consider the statistical likelihood of this breakdown, or attempt to predict when the rain will stop falling.
    4. Plan to investigate whether the mechanical problem is prevalent and whether there's a class action lawsuit you might join.
  9. The most important thing about your house:
    1. There are books and pictures everywhere.
    2. Everything works, is being built, or will soon be repaired.
    3. There are many odd surprises.
    4. There's a place for everything, and everything is put away.
  10. To change your bad mood, you:
    1. Try something completely new.
    2. Help a stranger who's in trouble.
    3. Change the direction of your life.
    4. Re-frame and reconsider your old assumptions.
  11. How do you cook?
    1. Experimentally.
    2. Using whatever ingredients you have.
    3. It depends on the context.
    4. By following a recipe.
  12. You have filled out this questionnaire because:
    1. You're hoping for an insight.
    2. Someone asked you to.
    3. You thought it might be fun.
    4. You wanted to test it.

Now count up how many As, Bs, Cs and Ds you have.

Got that? Get your results.